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Tag: melanie yergeau

Stimming Freely and Me

Stimming Freely and Me

Allists tap their fingers, but autists self-stimulate (abbr., stim). Put another way, as autistic author melanie yergeau writes, being diagnosed meant that “my hand and full-body movements became self-stimulatory behaviors”. But everyone stims(!), with contemporary (but nascent) research suggesting that “autism traits” are “distributed normally” throughout the entire human population (as discussed here). Semantics aside, stimming has been “re-claimed” (read: claimed) by actual autists (e.g., #StimFreely) as a means of taking pride in our bodies. This post, then, is meant to…

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Why Starving Autist?

Why Starving Autist?

Content Warning: dis-ordered eating Why not The Starving Autist?I’m sure i’m not the only one. Why not A Starving Autist?Starving Autist looks and sounds better (to me). Why Starving?I’ve always hated food, and i’ve always been “under-weight” (a word i now give little weight). I have distinct memories (equally hilarious and troublesome) of both (1) hiding food around the house when no one was looking and (2) being the last one at the dinner-table, my plate still full and my…

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Myself. My-self. My Self.

Myself. My-self. My Self.

I’m an alien from inner space.– Jamila Woods Things stick with me. When i wash my hands, the line from the HBO series Westworld about the mechanicality (i also love making up words) of soap inevitably manifests in my mind. When my dog kisses me, i am inevitably (and immediately) reminded of Cat Stevens’ I Love My Dog, which begins to play inside my head. When i am given a play-by-play, i recall from the film 13 Going On 30 the (hilarious) line, Do whatever you…

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