Why i Haven’t Been Posting

Why i Haven’t Been Posting

In brief: life outside of being a full-time counselor at a dysfunctional inpatient mental health rehabilitation program for people experiencing moderate to severe mental ill-health is challenging for me right now.

I have written.

Drafts on things that have helped me realize i’m autistic; the word ‘neuroqueer’; and my thoughts on the state of violence in the world.

Yet i have not been able to finish them because of my current inability to translate my feelings into thoughts and words.

And also because of my constant surveillance of my self which makes it difficult for me to post something on the internet willy-nilly that i don’t even know if i fully endorse because i cannot seem to get my words to represent how i feel.

(Although i did recently deliver a sermon about myths of autism and participate in a podcast about the word ‘neuroqueer’.)

Thankfully, i am working toward a better future and life worth living where i will have the mental clarity to continue this wonderful outlet and resource that is a blog.

My dysfunctional job is providing me with (1) at least enough money to eat and shelter and (2) quality experience and hours toward my clinical license.

My clinical license is the next (and almost final) goal toward my ultimate objectives of developing a trauma-sensitive, therapeutic martial arts class and private practice and achieving a livable financial income.

This blog can wait.

I will post again when i do.

Thoughts? Leave a comment; start a conversation! Thank you for reading.

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We’ll be ready whenever you are. 😊 sending thoughts of gentleness and ease.


Thanks for the update joshua! Extremely grateful for your presence in this world! You’re doing really good work 😉